
3rd Annual Academy Shootout

We proudly announce another installment of the Academy Shootout!!!

April 23 & 24, 2016 are the dates that the Academy Shootout will be hosted at the CGSA Soccer Complex in Warner Robins, GA. and the MSC Soccer Complex in Macon, GA.

Targeted towards all levels of play from U9 - U12, this tournament will offer the best Central and Middle Georgia has to offer; southern hospitality, top class soccer fields, strong competition, all within a fun and friendly environment!!!

Sponsors will be announced soon with special events and deals for all!

Register NOW to get involved in the fun!!!

Enhanced Tournament Services
The Academy Shootout has partnered with Soccer In College to enhance the services offered to participants of the tournament.


Teams entering the Academy Shootout will be grouped according to past playing record to make the most competitive divisions possible.

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Online Check-In

Online Check In is now available for this event.

What is Online Check-in?

Online Check-in eliminates the need for your team to show up in person before your first game by allowing you to complete the check-in process online. You will be required to upload .pdf files or images to the secure sincSports cloud. The event will determine which documents are required.

There is a $20 non-refundable fee.

You must scan documents or take digital photos to complete this process. We will help you through the rest! Please click the link below to begin:

Begin Online Check-in

  • Division & Play

    Divisions & Play

    All teams will be guaranteed a minimum of THREE games

    Divisions will be comprised as follows (where possible)

    Elite(most competitive)

    Premier (competitive)

    Challenge (intermediate)

    The Striker Shootout reserves the right to combine Divisions where needed.




  • Registration is OPEN.

    Registration is OPEN!!!


    Please contact Dean Blain at for details on late registration 





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Field Status

As of 9:44 PM ET

We've enhanced our tournament services to help make your participation in our event more interactive and enjoyable. 

You can sign up for messaging to keep up with the scores of games you can't attend.  Your family and friends at home can also keep up with your results.

Of course, we'll be posting the scores online ASAP and will show the standings and tie-breakers as the tournament progresses.

Keep your eye on this column for the latest updates.